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If you believe family therapy may be right for you and your loved ones, call or email
today for more information or to schedule an appointment!

Being a family is hard! Whether it is being a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or a member of a chosen family, our core system of relationships will at some point be the cause of stress. When we face a concern in those relationships, changes to the way the family interacts can often be a long-term solution.


Family therapy is well suited to dealing with problems with children, marriage problems, conflict resolution problems, major family changes, family trauma, parenting issues, and family reconciliation after an estrangement. If you come in for family therapy, you will find it to be active and goal-oriented. Positive results often come from changes that a family would not expect. The therapist will work to help you change patterns of interaction that are not helping you anymore. Tasks may be given for outside the session to better improve the dynamics within the family.


The first session consists of the therapist hearing about the family’s concern(s), assessing dynamics, and gathering various other information from the family. The family and therapist then discuss a plan of things to work on together. Subsequent sessions will vary depending on the treatment plan.


Family therapy is mostly done with all members of the family in the room, but there are also times and situations when only part of the family is present (for example only the parents).


At Clarity, we value relationships, believe in you and in your family, and understand how hard being in a family can be. We would be honored to be a part of your family's journey and work in partnership with you to help your family make positive changes. One of the many amazing things about family therapy is every time one person makes changes it changes the family. Each person has power and a role to play!

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read or accessed through this website.

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